About Us / Contact Us
Worshipful Master Logan Disher - (912) 536-4495 - LDisher1219@gmail.com
Secretary Larry Zwahlen - (404) 401-8788 - larryzwahlen@comcast.net
MEYERHARDT LODGE No 314 F&AM 1801 Big Shanty Drive NWKennesaw, GA 30144
Meyerhardt Lodge No. 314 is a regular lodge working under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Georgia. It was first chartered on October 30, 1890, but did not have a lodge building to call home for its first thirteen years. Communications of the lodge were held in a nearby blacksmith shop during part of that interim, as well as a nearby school building. The lodge has been at its current location since September 26, 1977.
Meyerhardt Lodge is named for Max Meyerhardt, who served as the Grand Master of Masons in Georgia from 1901 until 1907. Max Meyerhardt was the founder and sponsor of the Masonic Children's Home in Macon, Georgia, as well as the founder, editor, and publisher of the Masonic Messenger newsletter, which was originally called The Masonic Herald.
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MEYERHARDT LODGE No 314 F&AM PO Box 501Kennesaw, GA 30156